Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Polyscience Anti-Griddle Now Available at US Foodservice SF

Check out this new tool available from US Foodservice SF: The PolyScience Anti-Griddle is a essentially a -30°F cold plate that flash freezes creams, sauces, purees, yogurt, and other liquids and semi-solids. It’s an easy-to-use tool for adding further imagination to your menu or presentations.

The Grant Achatz inspired tool was designed to make a rapidly cooling surface that would give liquds and semi solids a crispy crust and a creamy interior. But imagine the possibilities it has created in the kitchen. To make an olive oil "cracker," most chefs would bake some sort of crisp fortified with oil. Achatz uses the antigriddle to freeze the oil itself into a wafer.

At the Ritz Carlton Sarasota in Florida uses the Anti-Griddle at receptions. Executive Chef Frederic Morineau says guests get a kick out of seeing a liquid transform into a solid right before their eyes.

From creating frozen ice cream stencils, and shapes, Creme Anglaze lollipops, as well as olive oil crackers you are only bound by your imagination with this tool!

Watch as Phillip Preston President of PolyScience describes the creative process, or see Grant Achatz demonstrate the anti-griddle at the Nra show.

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