Thursday, August 14, 2008

California JuJubes Fruit

Origin: California
Pack Size: per lb
Availability: 2 months

This elongated fruit is about 1-1/2” in length. Also known as a Chinese apple or date, jujubes are known to be used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat sore throats, relieve chest pains, and

Dried JuJubes

alleviate stress. In many Asian cultures, jujubes can be used to make wine and tea as well. They are most often enjoyed as a candied fruit, but are also great
eaten fresh. The flavor is more of an apple than a date. Add jujubes to sautéed vegetables for an unusual and delightful taste experience - very popular in Chinese cuisines.

The jujube originated in China where they have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years and where there are over 400 cultivars. The plants traveled beyond Asia centuries ago and today are grown to some extent in Russia, northern Africa, southern Europe, the Middle East and the southwestern United States. Jujube seedlings, inferior to the Chinese cultivars, were introduced into Europe at the beginning of the Christian era and carried to the U. S. in 1837. It wasn't until 1908 that improved Chinese selections were introduced by the USDA.

The jujube can withstand a wide range of temperatures; virtually no temperature seems to be too high in summertime. Winter dormancy allows it to withstand temperatures to about -28° F, yet it requires only a small amount of winter chill in order for it to set fruit. The plant revels in summer sun and heat, with the lack of either limiting fruit production more than winter cold. Yet jujubes have fruited in the Puget Sound and low Cascade regions of Washington State as well as in Pennsylvania. Fruiting of some cultivars has also been reported in northern Florida.The Indian jujube, which is more sensitive to frost, is grown in Florida, but the fruit is considered inferior. Jujube trees are not particularly suitable for container culture, but can be grown in this manner in a large container.

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