Saturday, May 30, 2009

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Warren Buffet

More often than not, value beats price. The question is whether the principle holds true when the economy and customers are jittery.

For the answer, we travel to Indiana where Senior Vice President and General Manager Jim Moody describes a cutting showdown where U.S. Foodservice™ left the competition in the dust.

An upscale restaurant a U.S. Foodservice versus the competition cutting for each of two properties in the area. The match was on. It was Chad Krockover, Vincent Kinkade and Curt Bressler taking on the competitors management, sales reps and COP specialists. As Jim Moody reports, “We won so big that the GM of the properties stated that cutting products again at the second property was a waste of time” and cancelled the second session. Jim reports that the competition “focused on saving the customer money, while U.S. Foodservice™ and the customer were focused on quality products enabling them to save and grow their customer base instead of chasing them away.”

Value beats price once again.

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