Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday in the Garden

On Saturday I took advantage of the beautiful weather and finished up one of my planter boxes. along with my tomatoes;
Brandywine-A pink, potato-leaf, Amish variety from the 1880’s. Produces in about 80 days, Big and Beefy with sweet flavor, very juicy.

Alicante-Produces early, usually in 68 days or so. A good round slicing tomato without many blemishes.
Sasha Altai-Hearty plant produces good yields of 4-6 oz. bright-red, round tomatoes in about 60 days. This was a high altitude Russian variety tomato that sets well in coastal climates.
Isis Candy Cherry-Sweet as candy round cherry tomatoes that produce 1½" fruits. Not a terrific producer last year in my garden. So I've moved it to my labor intensive planter box along a warm fence.
San Marzano-Compared to the Roma Tomatoes, Marzano tomatoes are thinner and pointier in shape. This is a mid to late producer that will begin fruiting in about 80 days. this was a fantastic producer up on the sandy hillside in stark contrast to the Candy's.

I filled in with some transplanted seedlings including the Tatsoi shown above. This is alot like Bok Choy and can be used in braises as a substitute, but is also fantastic in tossed green salads.

Another fun one I picked up from Valley Hills Nursery was the Bright Lights Colorful Chard. 'Bright Lights' swiss chard was chosen as an All-America Selection Winner in 1998 and is also the recipient of the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.

I finished off with some basil, parsley, mixed lettuces, and a six pack of cabbage to complete this garden area. All before the fog rolled in around 3ish.

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